hmm... i'd like to see something with number 1 personally... i like the weird steering feature and what looks to be louvers going into the rear fender.
i think if you are going to do a re-do, then you need to keep interesting features like the steering.
well let me say that number 1 still needs some changes in design, it looks a little too similar to the original so maybe take some design features from the others or something
alot of these are looking like small buggies because of the lack of front fork(how does 1,2,3,4,5,9,10 turn?) I like the proportions of 9, except that it cant turn, not sure what the floaty trapezoid above the front wheel is.6,7,8 have nice bike proportions, but I think they could be pushed further.
yeah, i didn't throw a lot of the mechanics in the sketches. if you look at the pic the ferring is wide enough to allow for turning, and the fork comes down from the fender, and it's kinda wierd, look at the pic for reference.
watch out, some of the majestic redesigns are starting to look like quads.
i think #10 has the most interesting form interaction, the big wheel works, just play with the proportions and you got something there.
has anyone heard from jon and noah?
hmm... i'd like to see something with number 1 personally... i like the weird steering feature and what looks to be louvers going into the rear fender.
i think if you are going to do a re-do, then you need to keep interesting features like the steering.
well let me say that number 1 still needs some changes in design, it looks a little too similar to the original so maybe take some design features from the others or something
alot of these are looking like small buggies because of the lack of front fork(how does 1,2,3,4,5,9,10 turn?) I like the proportions of 9, except that it cant turn, not sure what the floaty trapezoid above the front wheel is.6,7,8 have nice bike proportions, but I think they could be pushed further.
yeah, i didn't throw a lot of the mechanics in the sketches. if you look at the pic the ferring is wide enough to allow for turning, and the fork comes down from the fender, and it's kinda wierd, look at the pic for reference.
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