
New Machu Picchu terrain rev 2

Sorry guys, I know you all picked plots already, but I felt that the old terrain had some major problems (way too much slope in the land) also, the vastly different levels of the old terrain made it hard to see the whole layout at once, unless viewed from a birds eye view. Finally, we have some new members which will hopefully all be able to populate their area, so we needed more space (central plane has been enlarged). hope you all agree with these changes and don't mind repicking. Sorry if you started sketching already for your spot. anyway if your see your old spot you can have it again.

New Machu Picchu from Vaughan Ling on Vimeo.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


Lauren Rossi said...


Zack Stephanchick said...


Zack Stephanchick said...

also, can we have a rough scale?

Vaughan Ling said...

6. Zach I thought you were in charge of scale.

Zack Stephanchick said...

I'll have it up tonight.

and god dammit my name is right there! zacK! aaaah!!


Vaughan Ling said...

fuck sorry ZACK MAN. why do i keep doin that

Unknown said...

geez... calm down zach...

Zack Stephanchick said...

I will fight you Tex....

scale coming soon...

Zack Stephanchick said...

ok i can't figure out how big machu picchu is, do we just want to make something up so we can at least be consistant?

Unknown said...

i think we should consider how many people we want to live here before we consider size..

Matt said...

How many spots were you planning to have this looks interesting?